CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Caracterización y fitotoxicidad de lodos de humedales para la agricultura

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:
    COLQUE PARDO, YHOSELIN MICHEL (data lectura: 10-07-2024)

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: SERRANO PORTA, LIDIA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Caracterización y fitotoxicidad de lodos de humedales para la agricultura

Data inici oferta: 09-02-2023      Data finalització oferta: 01-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
Lodos, estaciones de depuradoras, humedales construidos.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Aquest és un estudi liderat per Enrica Ugetti i Ana M. Cano (Grup
d'Enginyeria i Microbiologia del Medi Ambient, GEMMA - UPC).

El treball té 3 objectius específics:
1. Caracteritzar fisicoquímicament i microbiològicament el fang
residual procedent d'aiguamolls construïts.
2. Quantificar els rizomes de Phragmites australis provinents dels
aiguamolls construïts per al tractament del fang residual, en
l'efecte de rebrot al camp.
3. Avaluar lefecte del fang sobre el rendiment del cultiu de blat.

Overview (resum en anglès): Water, a vital resource for ecosystems and human health, faces critical challenges due to scarcity and pollution. Implementing wastewater treatment systems is important, as they effectively remove present contaminants and ensure compliance with established quality standards before returning the water to nature. As a result of this process, by-products in the form of sludge are generated, which, after appropriate treatment, can be used as organic fertilizers in agriculture.
To evaluate the feasibility of using sewage sludge in agriculture, detailed analyses of the sludge from the Wastewater Treatment Plants in the municipality of Vic, specifically from the La Guixa, and the munipality of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer, have been conducted. These analyses focus on the physicochemical and microbiological characterization of the sludge from de wastewater treatment plants that was applied to the wetlands and the study of the phytotoxic potential of the sludge for application in crop fields. Such analyses are essential to ensure compliance with established regulations, such as Royal Decree 1310/1990, with the aim of preventing possible negative impacts on the environment and protecting the health of agricultural ecosystems, thus benefiting soil fertility and increasing crop productivity through the use of sludge.
The analyses of the sludge from the La Guixa and Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer treatment plants indicate that pH values range between 4,5 and 7,5, and conductivity is below 4 dS/m. The presence of nutrients and heavy metals was detected, the latter not exceeding the limits established by Royal Decree 1310/1990. The nutrients, along with organic matter, are suitable for plant growth in agricultural applications. Although Salmonella was not found, E. coli, helminths and fecal coliforms were detected, requiring additional treatment to ensure complete inactivation. Germination and root growth tests showed results superior to the control, confirming the absence of toxicity in the sludge. These findings support that the sludge from the two treatment plants is stable and suitable for agricultural use and help contribute to sustainable management of organic waste, improving soil quality and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. This promotes a safer and more sustainable food production.

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