CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: El pèsol Garrofal de Llavaneres (Pisum sativum L.): estudi del germoplasma cultivat i del perfil sensorial

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: CASALS MISSIO, JOAN

Departament: DEAB

Títol: El pèsol Garrofal de Llavaneres (Pisum sativum L.): estudi del germoplasma cultivat i del perfil sensorial

Data inici oferta: 24-04-2023      Data finalització oferta: 24-12-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a (UPC): LÓPEZ MAS, LAURA

Paraules clau:
Pisum sativum, landrace, Garrofal, Llavaneres, caracterització agromorfològica, descriptors agromorfològics, qualitat, projective mapping, mapa projectiu

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El pèsol de Llavaneres és una varietat tradicional conservada
pels pagesos de la zona. Tot i el creixent renom de la varietat
entre els consumidors, el seu cultiu es troba en declivi. En
aquest context, aquest treball té per objectiu de generar
informació tècnica sobre l'estructura genètica de la varietat, la
gestió agronòmica del cultiu i d'identificar atributs sensorials
que distingeixin la varietat en el mercat. El treball consistirà
en la caracterització de la zona de producció, l'itinerari tècnic
del cultiu, l'anàlisi del rendiment i la diversitat genètica en 3
finques professionals i un estudi sensorial del germoplasma
tradicional mitjançant la metodologia Projective Mapping. Els
resultats han de permetre definir la varietat i ajudar al sector
productiu en la seva conservació i promoció en els mercats.

Overview (resum en anglès): Traditional varieties are a biodiversity reservoir and can be useful to face the productive, social, and environmental challenges, both present and future. With the interruption of the Green Revolution, these traditional varieties suffered a decline in their use. Nowadays, a lot of information is missing although the effort in recovering them with the conservation in natural biodiversity centers and the conservation of samples ex situ. In this context, in the village of Sant Andreu de Llavaneres the Garrofal green pea of Llavaneres has been cultivated for many years and, although it counts with a well-established reputation, there are no scientific references about it. The present project aims to carry out the first study of the cultivated germplasm and the sensory profile of the Garrofal pea of Llavaneres.
In the study of the cultivated germplasm, three cultivated pea populations from three different exploitations (Horta Graupera, Horta Marcó I Horta Xavier Amat) were evaluated. For the sensory profile study 46 consumers evaluated two samples of fresh Garrofal pea of Llavaneres, a frozen sample of Garrofal pea of Llavaneres, a fresh sample of another variety called Utrillo from a local producer in the Maresme region near Llavaneres village, a frozen sample from the brand Maheso, and a canned sample from the brand Gourmet.
The results allowed an agromorphological description of the Garrofal pea of Llavaneres for the 39 proposed characters. Furthermore, the evolution of the production along the crop cycle of 2022-2023 was analyzed and shown to be irregular. Seeds from this cycle of culture were collected from the Horta Graupera and Horta Marcó alongside with its respective passport information. Regarding the sensorial profile study, a list of 33 descriptors was defined as a base for the descriptive sensorial evaluation. The results showed that the fresh samples of Garrofal pea of Llavaneres were perceived as similar, meanwhile in the frozen samples of the Garrofal pea of Llavaneres the same descriptors as the fresh samples were applied with a lower intensity. In the sensorial acceptability testing and definition of the ideal pea, results showed that the Garrofal pea of Llavaneres samples were the most highly valued. In conclusion, scientific literature about the Garrofal pea of Llavaneres has been generated, with a proposal of agromorphological descriptors for its evaluation, the recompilation and conservation of samples ex situ, and the initial evaluation of the sensorial profile of the pea, proving its acceptability among consumers.

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