CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi inicial per la constitució d'una escola de formació professional d'agricultura i ramaderia a Mampatim (Senegal)

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: LOPEZ CODINA, DANIEL

Departament: FIS

Títol: Estudi inicial per la constitució d'una escola de formació professional d'agricultura i ramaderia a Mampatim (Senegal)

Data inici oferta: 19-07-2023      Data finalització oferta: 19-03-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a (UPC): CASALS MISSIO, JOAN

Paraules clau:
Educació, Agricultura, Cooperació per al desenvolupament, Senegal, Alta Casamance

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Mampatim es troba a l'Alta Casamance, és una de les regions més
empobrides del país. Des de fa uns anys hi està treballant
l'escolapi Josep Artigas. Un dels seus objectius és posar en
marxa una escola de formació agrària. Per aconseguir-ho cal
programar totes les tasques des de les relacions amb les
autoritats educatives del país fins el projecte constructiu.
L'objectiu del TFG és avançar tan com sigui possible en la
definició del treball a realitzar. Per fer-ho possible es compta
amb un ajut del Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolument de la
UPC i el suport de la ONG Caldes Solidària. El punt de partida
del treball serà la realització d'una estada d'un mínim d'un mes
al Senegal per fer les gestions al Ministeri, visitar altres
escoles agràries (M'Lomp, Karang) i conèixer la realitat social
de Mampatim. Posteriorment es plantejarà l'estructura futura de
l'escola des de la ubicació fins als recursos necessaris, els
possibles plans d'estudis i els passos a seguir per fer-la

Overview (resum en anglès): The increasing political, social and climatic instability in the Sahel, as well as the alarming arrival of small boats on European coasts, have led to the need for many organizations to act in African countries. Development and Cooperation in African countries is seen, both at national and European level, as one of the most effective solutions in the medium and long term. This work is part of a cooperation programme with Senegal that has been running for a long time. Specifically, this work focuses on the rural region of Kolda, which is one of the most impoverished regions of the country. Half of the population is under the age of 20, and more than half of these young individuals lack a diploma of compulsory education. The region lives mainly from agriculture and livestock farming, in precarious conditions and with minimal knowledge and technology. The main goal of this thesis is to describe, study, and analyse the conditions and characteristics of the site where the project is supposed to be located. This will help justify and make it easier to build a farming and livestock raising educational centre. This objective is to be achieved by pursuing each of the following specific objectives: 1) identifying the problems and needs of the environment, 2) knowing the regulations governing vocational training centres and including the educational centre in the legal framework, 3) presenting a proposal for the curriculum, infrastructure, and facilities and human resources to ensure the proper functioning of the centre and 4) studying and assessing financing systems for the centre. After having worked through the points described above, it can be concluded that the establishment of an agricultural training school in the Kolda region is clearly justified. The studies to be offered have been described, as well as the conditions and characteristics of the centre to enable its official recognition. Finally, financing methods have been developed for the first years after the establishment of the centre as well as for the subsequent years.
The information in this thesis is the result of a bibliographical search and a visit to the country at the end of 2023. The aim is to situate and contextualize the reader in the best possible way, while maintaining objectivity and a critical viewpoint at all times.

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