Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En el nostre entorn la grip és comporta com una epidèmia estacional. Volem conèixer quin és el seu comportament en altres països, i observar quines són les condicions pel seu inici en cada país.
Cercarem dades epidemiològiques que ens permetin comparar comportaments.
Volem conèixer de forma esquemàtica com es controla (mesures no farmacològiques?) i com es protegeix (campanyes de vacunació) la població front la grip.
Cercarem els models matemàtics publicats, diferenciant entre el que són models únicament teòrics dels models que s'ajusten a comportament epidemiològics reals.
Considerant els comportaments epidemiològics observats i els models publicats discutirem quins models semblen adequats pel seu estudi.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The flu is an infectious and contagious disease that affects the respiratory system, caused by influenza viruses. In our environment, the flu behaves like a seasonal epidemic. In the northern hemisphere there is an annual flu season between the autumn and winter months. We want to know what their behavior is in other countries, and observe what the conditions are for their start in each country. The aim of this work is to understand the dynamics of the flu in the different countries that make up the European Union together with Norway, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, to see if there is a relationship between the flu epidemic and the climatology of the country, to later be able to use more accurate mathematical models.
Likewise, the interaction of climate elements (such as temperature) and climate factors (such as latitude) with the transmission and seasonality of the disease caused by the influenza virus is studied, since its effects on biological systems, in this case specifically in people, are known.
Finally, from the results obtained, we can say that the incidence of the flu epidemic and the temperature of each country conform to a decreasing exponential function. Although it would be necessary to be able to analyze it in other geographical regions. But, there is no evidence of a relationship between the onset of influenza epidemics and temperature, and neither for the case of latitude.