CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Caracterización de las corrientes de aire de un pulverizador de túnel para aplicaciones en viticultura de precisión

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: SALCEDO CIDONCHA, RAMON

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Caracterización de las corrientes de aire de un pulverizador de túnel para aplicaciones en viticultura de precisión

Data inici oferta: 27-09-2023      Data finalització oferta: 27-04-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a (UPC): GIL MOYA, EMILIO

Paraules clau:
Viticultura, Agricultura inteligente, Atomizador, Paneles recuperadores, Turbina, Flujo de aire

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Se ha diseñado un pulverizador de túnel con un sistema inteligente
de control del volumen de aplicación. No obstante, no hay
información sobre como se comporta el aire en el interior del túnel
de dicha máquina. El trabajo debe hacer una caracterización del
comportamiento del aire generado por la turbina del atomizador para
evaluar mejor la eficiencia de la máquina.

Overview (resum en anglès): Currently, air-assisted sprayers are used to apply phytosanitary products in fruit trees and vineyards. However, the use of this equipment carries a high environmental risk, mainly due to the drift of the spray phytosanitary product for precision viticulture applications. The application technology with the tunnel sprayer system has focused on analysing and quantifying the recovery capacity of the product, and, therefore, reducing losses, either due to drift or deposition in the soil, ignoring how the air inside the tunnel and its potential effect on the distribution of product between panels. This study presents data obtained with the use of low and high speed of the fan box, where the air currents are affected, generating differences in speeds and flows between the panels.
Throughout the tests, the air flow generated by the tunnel sprayer is characterized in detail. To estimate both individual and total flow rates, devices called unidirectional hot wire anemometers were used. Instead, sonic anemometers were used to study changes in airflow velocity in all three directions of the panel gap. Air velocity and flow uniformity were analysed. Velocity vectors were represented. The results obtained in the tests were compared between the different speeds of each recovery panel of the tunnel sprayer. The results showed a clear asymmetry in the flow pattern, highlighting a greater intensity of air velocities on the left side of the panel. Changes in the direction and speed of the air at different heights were also observed, indicating the existence of recirculation in certain areas. This study demonstrated that the use of tunnel sprayers in viticulture could be an efficient tool to optimize the distribution of phytosanitary products.

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