CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Reformulació d'una pasta fresca sense productes lactis


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Reformulació d'una pasta fresca sense productes lactis

Data inici oferta: 20-01-2020      Data finalització oferta: 20-09-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
Pasta alimentària, ingredients, intolerància, lactosa, caseïna.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Proposta: És possible canviar la formulació de la Pasta Fresca
per obtenir un producte sense làctics, apte per a intolerants i/o
sensibles als lactis?, o per a donar resposta a determinades
Pla d'activitats: Reformulació del farcit.
Assaig a nivell de planta pilot d'elaboració de pasta amb el
farciment sense lactis.
Caracterització del producte i de la seva vida útil.
Valoració sensorial respecte al producte de referència

Overview (resum en anglès): In the present work, we wanted to answer the initial question posed: Is it possible to modify the formulation of fresh pasta containing dairy, to make it dairy-free? In this way, achieve a product suitable for customers whose allergies, intolerances or lactose sensitivity, would discard the possibility of choosing the referent product.

In order to study this topic, the definition and characteristics of pasta have been studied, as well as the classifications of dairy products and the concepts of casein allergies, lactose intolerances and sensitivities have been presented. After that, new trends in dairy-free consumption were explained and tofu was presented as a non-dairy ingredient.

The practical part began with the study of various formulations by replacing dairy products with tofu. To select the final formula, it was taken into account that the organoleptic characteristics of the new filling were the most similar to the reference filling (control with dairy). Once the final filling has been obtained, the whole fresh pasta was made in a pilot plant, with the shape of the sun and the physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic characteristics evaluated, with satisfactory and similar results to the whole fresh pasta control. Finally, the consumer acceptance test has been theoretically prepared.

Finally, it can be concluded that fresh dairy-free pasta has been obtained similarity to the reference fresh pasta with dairy products, and therefore the prepared filling proposal, if considered, could also be applied to the rest of the products of the same range, as most of its products contain dairy products.

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