CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi analític i organoleptic de diferents varietats de magrana d'origen espanyol


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estudi analític i organoleptic de diferents varietats de magrana d'origen espanyol

Data inici oferta: 04-02-2020      Data finalització oferta: 04-10-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Eulalia Vendrell Rius
        Institució/Empresa: Dallant SA

Segon tutor extern: Marta Guadayol Gallego

Paraules clau:
magrana, punicalagina, astringència, sucres, àcid cítric, anàlisi sensorial

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
L'objectiu de l'estudi es coneixer en profunditat diferents varietats
de magranes i valorar el seu perfil organoleptic .
En l'estudi s'avaluaran diferents varietats de magrana ( Mollar,
Wonder, Acco, Hicaz, Smith...) proporcionades per l'empresa Moleva
, que forma part del grup Dallant . Savaluarà diferents parametres
fisico-quimics dels sucs (brix, acidesa, perfil de sucres i àcids...)
, contingut de polifenols (punicalagina, ac el.lagic , contingut
d'antociants i es posarà a punt un métode que permeti estandaritzar
la valoració de l'astringencia del suc de manera objectiva .

Overview (resum en anglès): Pomegranate, Punica granatum, is a very abundant fruit in the Mediterranean basin. Recently, this fruit is a trend in the market because it has been described many actions related to the benefit on the health of the consumer. The fruit contains different compounds useful in the prevention of diseases and with properties of great interest for the diet. This fact has led to an increase in varieties grown in Spain.
Pomegranate is a fruit that is characterized by being very rich in polyphenols and, most of the benefits of this fruit, are attributed to these compounds. Another fact that characterizes this fruit, specifically the juice extracted from the arils of the pomegranate, is astringency and bitterness, sometimes too intense depending on the variety in question. Polyphenols are again an important part of this effect.
Currently, the market is asking for pomegranate juice with a level of astringency that does not compromise consumer satisfaction. In this regard, the company Dallant S.A has chosen to work with different varieties of pomegranate to achieve a certain level of astringency.
The objective of this study has been to gain a profoundly recognising of different industrial varieties of pomegranate and to assess its organoleptic profile. These varieties are Mollar, Wonderful, Acco, Kingdom and Smith that have been provided by the company Moleva S.A, which is belong to the Dallant group. Although there is a lot of literature on pomegranate juices, most are studies of juices obtained at the laboratory or, they are commercial juices from supermarkets. However, in this project, the fresh pomegranate juices with which the different tests have been carried out, stand out for being industrial juices, which come directly from the factory, that is, they are the real juices of the industry. The characteristic physical-chemical parameters of pomegranate juice (degrees brix, acidity, profile of sugars and profile of acids) as well as the polyphenolic content (punicalagin, ellagic acid, punicalin) have been analysed. Likewise, a set of organoleptic tests was carried out with industrial juices to assess first the astringency of the juices and the difference between them, followed by a global assessment in order to obtain conclusive results.
In summary, the organoleptic profile of pomegranate juice is determined by a set of factors: acidity, mainly of citric and malic acids; the amount of sugars in the juice, specifically, the concentrations of glucose and fructose it presents; and the polyphenolic richness of juice, especially punicalagin. It could be concluded that punicalagin is surely the polyphenol that has the greatest responsibility in granting this astringency and that punicalin is not as relevant. The presence of sugars, especially fructose, will neutralize and/or counteract the astringent effect of polyphenols and the acidity of acids, especially citric. In this case, we have two extreme cases at the analytical level, such as the Mollar and the Wonderful varieties, and this fact has been perfectly reflected in the results obtained in the blind tasting panel.

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