CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Paràmetres que afecten a la variabilitat del pes de la descendència segons la línia genètica de la truja

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Paràmetres que afecten a la variabilitat del pes de la descendència segons la línia genètica de la truja

Data inici oferta: 06-04-2020      Data finalització oferta: 01-07-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a extern: David Solà Oriol

Paraules clau:
porcí, variabilitat, estadística, pes neixament

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En el present treball es pretén estudiar de quina manera la línia
genètica materna pot afectar a la variabilitat de pes dels garrins al
llarg de la fase de creixement i engreix, i al sacrifici. Tanmateix,
també es pretén comparar aquelles parelles de germans de mateix sexe
que es diferencien poc amb aquelles que es diferencien molt en termes
de pes viu i intentar veure quines característiques diferencials en
poden ser determinats (i.e., sexe, grup de pes, etc).”

Overview (resum en anglès): ABSTRACT
Objective: To determine the genetic effect (half-brothers/sisters), body weight and gender on the BW variability at the end of fattening phase between pigs subjected to the same feed and management conditions.
Methods: 406 piglets were selected from a database of 1304. Piglets were paired according to 3 factors: same mother, equal birth weight and same gender. Next, three categories of animals were established according to the birth body weight category: Light Group, Medium Group and Heavy Group. The same methodology was used to set the groups of weight at day 21 (weaning) and day 64 (end of growing phase). Finally, pairs were divided in two groups according to the body weight difference, between paired animals, at day 163 (end of fattening phase)
Results: Heavy piglets at birth day had higher growth compared with the other two groups of animals (P<0,05). Birth body weight and body weight at weaning categories had no significant effect on weight difference between paired animals at the end of fattening phase (P>0,10). On the other hand, the body weight category at the end of nursery period showed a tendency for the same variable (P<0,10).
Heavy animals at the end of nursery period followed a more homogenous growth during fattening phase than the other two groups (P<0,05).
Finally, the last analyses showed that the effect of being half-brothers on body weight variability at slaughtering is low (only 20% of the pairs reach a very close body weight at the slaughter moment), and that weight difference at the beginning of fattening phase was significant for weight difference at slaughtering (P<0,05).
Conclusions: It was concluded that the effect of being half-brothers/sisters on weight difference at slaughtering is low, and it does not exist any relationship between this variable and the birth body weight or the gender. The weight difference produced during nursery period is going to be determinant for the final weight difference at the end of fattening phase. Feed ingestion, as well as absorption metabolic efficiency, appeared to be the most important factors to understand the body weight variability at slaughtering between half-brothers/sisters.

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