CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte assignat

Títol: Study of SRv6 routing for dense LEO satellite networks


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: Study of SRv6 routing for dense LEO satellite networks

Data inici oferta: 01-07-2024     Data finalització oferta: 01-03-2025

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): OZÓN GÓRRIZ, JAVIER
Paraules clau:
LEO satellite networks, SRv6 routing
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Dense Low Earth Orbital (LEO) satellite constellations have
gained popularity in the recent years for their ability
to offer worldwide and low-latency services. These networks can
provide aircraft position monitoring services (ADS-B) and radio
communication system between the controller and the pilot.

In an LEO satellite network, N×M satellites are deployed in N
orbital planes, each of which has M satellites that are uniformly
distributed. The satellite network consists of two types of full
duplex links. Communication in the same plane is realized through
Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs), while different layers of the
satellites communicate through Inter-Orbit Links (IOLs). The
ground gateway, which is covered by a LEO satellite, is connected
to the LEO satellite via a User Data Link (UDL).

One of the main research goal for these networks is to develop
and design efficient routing algorithms and protocols for satellite
network topology, providing a reliable data transmission path for
satellite network users. Satellite networks have the following
properties: predictable high mobility, presence of one or more
central processing units and occurrences of unpredictable
changes. The networks are usually modelled by a set of graphs
that model network topology during time slots where the topology
is, with high probability, stable.

SRv6 is a segment routng paradigm applied to an IPv6 underlay
with a new IPv6 extension header called Segment Routng Header
(SRH). The objective of this thesis is study the application of
SRv6 in LEO Satellite Networks in both data and control plane.
Orientació a l'estudiant:
Requereix activitats hardware: No
Requereix activitats software: No
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:

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