CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte assignat

Títol: Allocation strategies in optically interconnected edge/cloud infrastructures for supporting 6G services


Departament: TSC

Títol: Allocation strategies in optically interconnected edge/cloud infrastructures for supporting 6G services

Data inici oferta: 18-07-2024     Data finalització oferta: 18-03-2025

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    MU MASTEAM 2015
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): PAGÈS CRUZ, ALBERT
Paraules clau:
Optical networks, 6G, cloud/edge infrastructures, allocation strategies
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The evolution towards 6G infrastructures is paved with several challenges, one related to the service allocation on top of a shared multi-segment/domain infrastructure. In this context, a service may require of both computational and networking resources so as to materialize its functions. Indeed, modern services go beyond pure connectivity needs and require the allocation of specialized functions so as to properly execute their tasks. Said functions then need to be interconnected so as to allow the traffic injection across the full service chain. Under this situation, it becomes crucial to decide which is the optimal resource mapping of the services to be deployed. Given the heterogeneous needs of services, the presence of distributed edge sites, with modest computational capabilities, and cloud sites, with abundant capabilities is a must; it allows to flexibly allocate functions depending on the requirements of services and the status of the overall infrastructure. This is specially critical for the upcoming 6G infrastructure, due to the need to support very stringent service requirements, for example deterministic or time-sensitive services, along with quality of service, reliability and so on. The several computational sites (edge and cloud) usually belong to multiple operators, each one of them having their own network infrastructure. Thus it becomes essential to devise strategies that can efficiently allocate services during the initial provisioning phase as well as re-optimization strategies during the runtime of services. In all this process, the detailed knowledge of the data plane is a must for an optimized layout of services, hence the presence of electronic and optical data planes needs to be considered.

The objective of the project is the design, implementation and evaluation of service mapping strategies over a multi-domain/technology data plane. The strategies should take into account the requirements imposed by services as well as the current resources utilization at the infrastructure. The goal is to, given a current status, derive the mapping that leads to the desired optimal goal, for example, maximized service acceptance or minimum resource utilization, to name potential goals.
Orientació a l'estudiant:
The prospective candidate should be familiar with:

- Optical networks and resource allocation in them.

- Data centre architectures.

- Object oriented programming, e.g. Python, Java
Requereix activitats hardware: No
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:

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