Projecte assignat
Títol: Empirical analysis of the link between ionospheric electron content fluctuations and aplitude fading in GNSS signals
Departament: MAT
Títol: Empirical analysis of the link between ionospheric electron content fluctuations and aplitude fading in GNSS signals
Data inici oferta: 14-01-2025 Data finalització oferta: 14-09-2025
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Paraules clau: | |
Gnss, scintillation, ionosphere, monitoring, radionavigation signals | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
The electron content fluctuations of the ionosphere can be regularly monitored by means of Global Navigation Satellite System signals. Moreover, the signal intensity is also normally provided as part of the GNSS carrier phase measurements. The objective of this activity is to analyze the existing correlation between both. To this end, specific monitoring indexes will be used to measure signal amplitude fading and electron content flutuations. The study will be focused on the GNSS receivers located at low latitude regions, affected by fast fluctuations of the ionospheric electron content producing diffraction of GNSS signals. This has a strong impact on signal tracking and ultimately degrades the performance of GNSS for precise positioning applications.
Working plan: 1) Revision of the state of the art of the subject of low-latitude scintillation monitoring. 2) Introduction to scintillation monitoring indexes and GNSS data sets to be used in the study. 3) Getting familiar with visualization of the data sets and definition of the scope of the study. 4) Analysis of the correlation between uncombined ROTI and S4 indexes as a function of: - GNSS constellation, specifically targeted to GPS and Galileo satellites. - Type of receiver. - Ionospheric activity and period of the year. 5) Identification of outliers and anomalies in the correlation analysis. Preliminary study of their origin. The outcome of this study will serve as the basis to undertake future analysis of the impact of ionospheric scintillation on GNSS signals based on data from long time periods (several years) and wide spatial coverage, reaching a global scale. |
Orientació a l'estudiant: | |
Conocimientos mínimos:
1) Fundamentos de GNSS, particularmente relacionados con aplicaciones y usos de las señales transmitidas por los satélites de los sistemas GPS y/o Galileo. 2) Buen nivel de inglés (particularmente reading). 3) Experiencia en el manejo de datos almacenados en archivos de texto. 4) Recomendable cualquier experiencia previa en software de análisis estadístico. 5) Recomendable tener alguna experiencia en programación, particularmente en entorno Linux y en shell scripts (bash, csh o similares). Disponibilidad de horarios: Se espera que el estudiante pueda trabajar al menos media jornada (3 a 43 horas diarias) de lunes a viernes. El horario será a convenir con el director del trabajo. |
Requereix activitats hardware: No | |
Requereix activitats software: Sí Sistema operatiu: Linux Disc (Gb): | |
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte: Mañanas de lunes a viernes. |